Welcome to For JC Church

A warm welcome to our church family. If there is one thing that marked the life of Jesus Christ it was His love for people.  We are here to help you and your family.

Our church is a teaching, equipping and releasing church helping people to discover their gifts and fulfil their passion in the life of the Church.  We hope you and your family will find a home with us and become part of our church community.

Pastor Don K. Stewart


Thank you for visiting our church web site.  For JC Church is a local Christian community church with a world vision (Acts 1:8).  We exist to worship the living God, empowered by the Holy Spirit to fulfil God’s redemptive plan to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20).

Our aim is to be a loving, caring, authentic Christian community reflecting the joy of a life walking with the Living God, empowered by the Holy Spirit. We are a church for all nations.  We are affiliated with Churches of Christ in Queensland.


Our vision is to reach Springfield, Ipswich, Brisbane and expanding beyond, building loving faith communities with a mission mindedness.

We are intentionally passionate about changing our communities, our cities and our nation for Jesus Christ.  We endeavour to work with the broader Christian community to reach the world for Jesus Christ.


Our next Church Event is in